How To Beat Your Soda Pop Habit ?
Soda is everywhere! Even if you wanted to stop drinking it, it is difficult to do so because you will find them everywhere at fast-food chains, vending machines, and supermarket checkouts.
Moreover, these soda drinks are universal, so much so that people will only notice when you don’t drink soda cans.
Drinking sodas is a fierce habit, and many people go to the grocery store only because they want soda cans.
So, why should you stop drinking soda ?
Now someone might ask, why do we need to stop drinking soda? There are many diet soda cans, which are better than normal soda cans.
The problem is not with drinking soda; it is with the amount of soda drink an average person intake. Soda cans have fructose which can increase your calorie intake by a large proportionate.
These can cause many diseases in the near future. Plus, they are very addictive to drink. So it makes it hard to stop drinking soda pop.
So, here is a complete plan on how to stop drinking soda pop –
1. Make a List :
The first step is to make a list of the reasons why you need to stop drinking soda pop. Write down every single reason you have in mind.
Now display the list on a prominent place such as your fridge door or near your workplace set up. The list would be a constant reminder to you that you need to stop drinking soda pop.
2. Make a Plan :
Now, you need to make an important decision here. Either to stop drinking pop all at once or rather taper off one by one.
This decision depends on the type of person you are. Because many people find it hard to resist drinking pop if it in front of their eyes, so, decide how you want to proceed with a plan.
If you decide to stop all at once, then don’t brink in any soda cans. You can replace them with something else like beer or water. Even remove any empty cans as they tempt you into drinking the pop.
On the flip side, if you decide to reduce the number of drinks each day to zero, then you should start by bringing fewer number of cans to home.
Or you don’t bring any cans at home and force yourself to go to the nearby store every time you want to drink one.
This will prove to be a powerful deterrent as laziness triumphs over any habit.
3. Find a healthier substitute :
Now that you are cutting back soda pop from your diet, you need to give your stomach something else. Flavoured soda water is a good option, as the drink still gives you the flavour and carbonated fizz.
You feel refreshing without the sugar, caffeine, and calories of soda pop. A common mistake that people make is they drink juice as it offers nutrition, but it also gives you sugar and calories.
The main reason to stop drinking pop was sugar and calories. Hence, limit your juice intake.
Herbal teas are another healthy option you can start. Once you stop drinking soda pop, you will need some caffeine; it is better to drink black or green tea.
As they will provide you caffeine with health benefits without any calories or sugar.
4. Drink More Water :
Drinking water is good for your health, and when you use it as a substitute for soda pop, it is even more beneficial.
As drinking water regularly will keep you hydrated and you won’t feel thirsty and drink soda. If you drink eight glasses of water each day and before you drink soda, drink a glass of water before.
This will help you slow down your consumption. Or you can add slices of citrus fruit or cucumber for added flavour in your water. This way, you are safe from sugar and chemicals.
5. Don't Beat Yourself Up :
Finally, you need to be mentally prepared to overcome the habit. As you stop drinking soda, you would feel tired, sluggish, and moody.
This is completely fine as your body is reliant on the caffeine in the pop. To counteract this, you may need to go to bed early, sleep a little longer to avoid any fatigue.
You can also try walking, writing down a journal, talk to friends to get over your mood swings.
These are temporary feelings, and sooner rather than later, you will get over them and successfully stop drinking soda pop. Hence, don’t get frustrated when you are unable to.