10 Simple Lifestyle Changes Science Is Confident Will Help You Live Longer

10 Simple Lifestyle Changes Science Is Confident Will Help You Live Longer

The world is changing at a very fast pace due to advances in technology and medicine.

At the same time, life expectancy is falling around the world. Even suicide rates have gone up in Japan and in many Scandinavian countries.

Clearly, we are not happy with these advances; we need something more in our life.

The normal advice in such a scenario is to eat healthy, work out, go out more. But this doesn’t solve the problem only delay it.

So, we compiled a list of 10 small and simple lifestyle changes that will help you feel better.

1. Read a book:  

A good book is better than ten friends because books take you places that you have never visited. This experience takes you away from your normal life.

This escape is very important to divert from your daily life and feel stress-free every day for a while.

For this reason, we recommend you start reading a book each day.

2. Get a pet :

This might seem a lot of work at first because if you are adopting a pet, you need to take care of it like a kid.

This will need a lot of time and effort, which many of you might not have. But you will get used to it, and when you see your dog, cat, or even a turtle at the end of the day,

you will feel relaxed and something to live for in your life.

3. Get some more fiber :
We are not talking about high-speed fiber Wi-Fi but fiber, which you get from fruit and vegetables.

Studies have shown that humans are more vulnerable to heart diseases and diabetics in today’s age. If you increase your fruit and vegetable intake, you can significantly lower the risk of such life-threatening diseases.

4. Take a every day :

 A study conducted in 2015 stated that 25 mins of brisk walk daily could increase your life by seven years.

Going out for a walk isn’t only about health benefit; it is about clearing your mind of all the things occupying it.

So, take a brisk walk daily and take in those fresh air as much as you can.

5. Stay away from social media :

Enough has been said about the harmful effect of social media. All we advise is to enough the distance between yourself and it.

Just don’t check it the first thing in the morning, and you will be fine.

6. Take up yoga and meditation :

You probably already have heard about yoga and meditation and how good they are. But you won’t believe it until you experience it yourself.

So, take out your mat and just relax for a good 20-25 minute in a posture and see the effect it has on your day. You would be urging to do it every day.

7. Take a sauna :

A JAMA study that taking a sauna frequently reduces the chance of heart disease and helps you refresh. Plus, you get to hang out with your friends and have fun.

But before you start your sauna trips, it is wise to consult a doctor just to ensure you don’t face any side effects.

8. Relocate your sense of humor :

Laughter is the best medicine. Hence, you need to relocate your sense of humor.

You can easily watch a lot of comedy videos on YouTube. Try to crack a few more jokes in your normal life, and it will lift your mood.

9. Eat what you like :

Food plays a very important role in our life. If we are satisfied with what we eat, we feel happy.

Happiness is important for a better and longer life. So, eat food that makes you happy, but don’t overdo it. Having one or two cheat meals a week is fine.

10. Find a satisfying job :

All of us believe we are not getting what we deserve, especially in jobs. Hence, it is wise to move to a job that makes you feel useful and let you do meaningful work.

This way, you would be excited to go to work every day, and mood wouldn’t be bad when you come home. So, try to find a satisfying job.

These are some of the simplest lifestyles that you can implement in your life, which will help you live longer.

Changes are never easy to adopt, but these are necessary changes for your life, so force yourself into it.
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